Psalm 31

I love the Psalms, for they have a way of naming our deepest feelings in the midst of this journey called life: our hopes and fears, our distress and anguish, our joy and contentment.  They show a God who knows the human condition, loves us anyway, forgives us, redeems us, and saves us.

You get it all in Psalm 31, which has been attributed to David.  It begins with a plea for God to be a refuge and then a declaration of faith:

You are indeed my rock and my fortress;
for your name’s sake lead me and guide me,
take me out of the net that is hidden for me,
for you are my refuge.
Into your hand I commit my spirit;
you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God.
-Psalm 31:3-5

There are times when we need to reassure ourselves that God is with us.  Of course, God always is with us, but when we face distress or struggle or adversity, it is easy to forget!  Uttering a short prayer giving thanks and praise to God can help.  It grounds you, and helps you to face the challenge before you.  In this Psalm, David later shares:

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am in distress;
my eye wastes away from grief,
my soul and body also.
For my life is spent with sorrow,
and my years with sighing;
my strength fails because of my misery,
and my bones waste away.
-Psalm 31:9-10

And yet, in the end, David is able to say:

Be strong, and let your heart take courage,
all you who wait for the Lord.
-Psalm 31:24

Blessings and Peace,
Pastor Ron

Need to talk?
Psalm 31 reminded me of the journey of grief, that though God’s steadfast love and faithfulness sustains me, there are still times “I am in distress [and] my eyes wastes away my grief.”  With COVID and the beginning of Lent, our Grief Support Group never seemed to get off the ground, and so we decided to take a break for awhile, and start again at a later date.  Even so, please know that I am always available, for counsel and support, for discussion and just to listen.  Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one, a change in your life, or something is bothering you in this life, please know that I am here for you.  Call the church office.  Come by to see me.  Reach out, because you don’t have to go through this alone.  -Pastor Ron